Dress Code
Students need to be prepared for school, which includes an appropriate appearance. Most of our students do an excellent job and look like professional students. Teachers have been asked to check students in the morning for appropriate school attire. Students who do not wear appropriate school attire will be asked to make a change. In some cases, students may need to have clothing brought from home or supplied by the school to finish the day. To look like a professional student, your children should come to school with the following:
- No spaghetti straps or shoulder straps less than two inches wide, halter tops, tops with only one shoulder, tops that do not completely cover the student’s torso, or tops that do not cover all undergarments.
- Shorts that are no shorter than the midpoint of the thigh
- Short skirts that include shorts under them
- Leggings must be worn under ripped pants or shorts
- Shoes that are flat and allow students to participate in sports activities (if sandals are worn, they must have a heel strap and closed-toe. (Students need athletic shoes for PE, no Crocs)
- Pants that stay on the waist and have a length that does not pose a safety hazard
- Pants that are so low in the back when sitting that the top does not cover all exposed skin are NOT permitted
- Jewelry or accessories that do not pose a safety hazard
- Clean faces and arms, no make-up/writing/body art
- Fingernails that are clean and trimmed so as not to pose a safety hazard
- No hats, except on the playground or on special spirit days
- Clothing that has appropriate messages and artwork for a school environment
Sometimes our decisions may seem arbitrary or subjective. Our intent is to mirror the expectations of a professional workplace and prepare your children for real-life experiences.